David Holbrooke Named Festival Director
November 27, 2007Yesterday, the official word went out to the general public: Mountainfilm has hired David Holbrooke as the new festival director. Not wasting any time, David is already in the office and cranking hard for next years festival. If youre on our emailing list, this news is already old news (thats soooo yesterday). If not, check out this link for more details, and go here to get added to our online community.

Exactly six months from today, the 30th Mountainfilm festival will be over. In the meantime, the staff is extremely excited to welcome David to our humble main street office. (Unfortunately, the desk we picked out for him was a wee bit small his knees are knocking the middle drawer. Were told this isnt our fault; its a common problem for 6 feet 6 inches tall David. Drew, our new tour staff member, doesnt have the same problem.)Posted by Emily Long