Meghan Kallman
As a climate activist, Meghan Kallman has her fingers in many pies. She co-founded Conceivable Future, a women-led network of climate change awareness, and Epic Skill Swap, a skill sharing and building festival focused on creating a healthier and more habitable world. Kallman is the state environmental coordinator for the Rhode Island Progressive Democrats of America, and she teaches writing-intensive classes in sociology at Brown University, the Rhode Island School of Design, the IE School of Business and the Rhode Island Adult Correctional Institutions. She co-founded and directs the Prison Op/Ed Project, a program that publishes the writing of students living in Rhode Island state prisons. If that isn’t enough, Kallman helped organize #NOXL, the movement against the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline. She also works toward college and university divestment and plays in the Extraordinary Rendition Band, an activist street band based in Providence, Rhode Island.