Aly Nicklas
A free-range Alaskan upbringing imbued Aly Nicklas with a deep love for wild places and wild people. Nicklas is a writer, photographer and filmmaker whose documentary films take on adventure, conservation and social impact issues. Based out of Portland, Oregon, Nicklas cover topics from social activism to old-fashioned adventure. She has filmed and photographed changemakers in Africa, ultrarunners in Chile and boundary-pushing women bombing down big mountains on bikes in Alaska in the snow. With her cohorts, Alisa Geiser and Steph Sizemore, Nicklas inspires parents with the Born Wild Project to get outside with their kids (and hopefully raise them to be good conservationists). Her best friends call her Scout and she helps run the production collective Ursa Major. She is the director of Knee Deep (Mountainfilm 2015) and Blue (Mountainfilm 2019).