You x 2
How did you find us on Facebook? Are you a fan of the festival or simply someone who likes our social media content? The reason we ask is that, while were grateful for the roughly 5,500 likes on Facebook, we'd like to reach more people with our news about climate change, viral behind-the-scenes videos, inspiring art and the other content we share.
Which brought us to the next question: What if each one of you on Facebook convinced at least one friend of yours to like us? That would, obviously, double our readers. Reaching over 10,000 people would be magnificent.
We chose climate solutions as the theme for this years symposium because we believe that the Mountainfilm audience can be a real part of changing this looming specter. Were in this together, and its going to require everyone to get involved. Facebook and Twitter are just a beginning. Are you ready to do your part? If so, please start by telling your friends (real and virtual) about Mountainfilm.
Thank you.
(Here we are on Facebook in case you missed the more subtle links above: https://www.facebook.com/mountainfilmtelluride.)