Tim DeChristopher Defense Fund Needs Your Help
Tim DeChristopher, two-time Mountainfilm in Telluride festival special guest and well-known climate activist, was sentenced on July 26 in Federal Court in Salt Lake City to two years in prison for his activism in disrupting a corrupted oil-gas lease sale by BLM in Utah. Immediately after sentencing Tim was taken by Federal Marshalls directly to jail to begin serving his sentence. Over 200 people were at the Federal Court House in support of Tim and his climate awareness actions. Upon hearing the sentence and learning that Tim was taken directly to jail to prevent him from speaking, against the norm in these types of cases, many of Tim's supporters decided to speak for Tim in the form of a spontaneous protest to proclaim that citizen voices cannot easily be silenced. Twenty-six were arrested in this peaceful protest and taken to jail. Two of those arrested were from Telluride; locals Chris Meyers and Skip Edwards. Local Tellurider's have set up a defense fund to help with Chris's and Skip's fines with the remainder going to help Tim DeChristopher's appeal expenses, said by his pro-bono attorney's to be in excess of $50,000.
Donations will be accepted at any US Bank office in the account for "Tim DeChristopher Protest Defense Fund," or by mailing a check to "Tim DeChristopher Protest Defense Fund" Box 207 Norwood, CO. 81423. Unfortunately, your donations are not tax exempt.