The Collective Energy of Mountainfilm
Lately, in celebration of our 35 years, weve been running a series written by some of the creative types whove taken the stage over the years at Mountainfilmin Telluride. (Read the blogs posted so far by filmmakers Travis Rummel, Mountainfilm was Different. It was in my Face; Anne Makepeace, The Distinctive Un-Business Like Feel of Mountainfilm; and Hal Clifford, Mountainfilm: More Than the Sum of its Parts.)
Well continue to post more guest musings as the festival draws near, but todays blog is a little different in its format: Its a video with Louis Psihoyos, the director of The Cove, who came to Mountainfilm to screen his Oscar-winning film and was blown away by the festival. He now returns each year and brings his entire staff to infuse them with inspiration for his current projects. In this interview, Psihoyos shares his thoughts about the collective energy of Mountainfilm.