Take Action: School Plastic Waste Reduced
Mountainfilm 2010 Festival favorite Bag It showed us the perils of single-use disposable plastic. According to the NY Times, students and their parents are reducing the amount of plastic waste involved with school lunches.
Many retailers and schools are advocating waste-free options for back-to-school shoppers this year, especially when it comes to lunch. School lists call for Tupperware instead of Ziplocs, neoprene lunch bags instead of brown paper ones, and aluminum water bottles, not the throwaway plastic versions.
Sales of environmentally friendly back-to-school products are up just about everywhere. At the Container Store, the increase is 30 percent over last year for some items, said Mona Williams, the companys vice president of buying. We have seen a huge resurgence, she said.
For some great advice on how to minimize plastic waste at school, check out these 25 great tips from our friends at Bag It:
Whether you're a student, parent, teacher or just a good citizen, Back to School means new 0pportunities for good, clean progress!
Here are our favorite 25 ideas for Back to School!
1. Phase out plastic use at school by starting a Bag It Club! (Bag It Clubs meet weekly to plan how to reduce their school's collective use of plastic).
2. Check out the best price on Klean Kanteens anywhere!