February 22, 2011

Support Tim DeChristopher and the Climate Change Movement

In less than a week, Tim DeChristopher will be heading to court, facing up to 10 years in jail for his act of nonviolent, civil disobedience.[vimeo http://vimeo.com/19752485]Since December of 2008 when he bid up prices at a Bureau of Land Management oil and gas lease auction, DeChristopher has become one of the key players in the climate change movement, rallying his troops to push for real change, and the same goes for his impending trial.

I'm excited to see all the organizing going on around the trial. It remains to be seen whether the legacy of my action will inspire empowerment and resistance or fear and obedience, and that question will mainly be answered outside the courthouse rather than inside of it. -Tim DeChristopher

So what can you do?

Editor’s Note: We will be providing continuing coverage of Tim DeChristopher and his trial. Please check back for updates.
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