News & Updates
Get updates on the festival, Commitment Grants, dispatches from Mountainfilm on Tour, commentaries on current issues and general announcements
- June 30, 2011 Filmmakers: IDA Documentary Awards Call for Entries 2011 Deadline
- June 30, 2011 Insiders Skeptical About Natural Gas Industry Forecasts
- June 28, 2011 To Watch: L'Equip Petit
- June 28, 2011 Horny Toad CEO Gordon Seabury Weighs in on Mountainfilm
- June 28, 2011 Mountaintop Removal Stops Here
- June 27, 2011 Mark Bittman on the True Cost of Tomatoes
- June 24, 2011 A Call for Civil Disobedience Against Keystone XL Pipeline
- June 23, 2011 Mountainfilm 2011 Intros
- June 22, 2011 Getting a Ticket For Not Biking in the Bike Lane
- June 22, 2011 Chinese Artist Ai Weiwei Released From Custody
- June 20, 2011 'The Last Mountain' Featuring Mountaintop Removal Activist Maria Gunnoe
- June 20, 2011 Remembering My Father by David Holbrooke
- June 20, 2011 Outdoor Movies in Mountain Village
- June 16, 2011 Tim DeChristopher Sentencing Delayed
- June 16, 2011 Weeklong Demonstration Against Mountaintop Removal Mining Ends at Summit of Blair Mountain