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- July 27, 2011 Tim DeChristopher's Statement to the Court
- July 26, 2011 Tim DeChristopher Sentence: 2 Years in Federal Prison and $10,000 Fine
- July 26, 2011 Mountainfilm Makes Key New Hires
- July 26, 2011 Tim DeChristopher Faces Maximum of 10 Years in Sentencing on July 26
- July 25, 2011 The First Environmentalist? Speech From 1847 Predicts Human-Induced Climate Change
- July 22, 2011 Take Action: Kenya the Worst Humanitarian Crisis Today
- July 22, 2011 Portland Bans Plastic Bags; California Pushes for a Statewide Ban
- July 21, 2011 Conrad Anker: If we drill, we spill
- July 20, 2011 Take Action: Help Protect the Grand Canyon From Uranium Mining
- July 20, 2011 Mountainfilm Makes Key New Hires: Boosts Tour + Educational Program
- July 19, 2011 National Geographic: Photos & Story of the Spirit Bear of the Great Bear Rainforest
- July 18, 2011 Gas Driller Halts Distribution of Coloring Book Aimed at US Kids, Colbert Takes on Fracking
- July 14, 2011 First Ever Double Flip Off Of A Rail - Yeah Gus!
- July 12, 2011 Protect Marine Mammals From the 250 Decibels Blasted During Seismic Surveys
- July 1, 2011 Al Gore on the Climate of Denial