One Hell of a Long Tube Ride
Not long ago, Adventure Journal posted this snippet of a boogie boarders amazingly long tube ride, and editor Steve Casimiro summed up the video perfectly with these words:
Boogie boarding doesnt get much respect. It lacks the nobility of surfing or body surfing and always will. Perhaps its because the boards can be purchased in toy stores instead of surf shops, like, you know, Costco. Perhaps its because it requires little skill. Perhaps its because anyone can do it. But isnt that whats awesome about boogie boarding? that anyone can and so many have? This short little video, a snippet from a full-length film, captures Ewan Donnachie riding inside a Skeleton Bay, South Africa, wave that goes on seemingly forever. Every time you think its going to close out, nope, the window opens and theres that liquid wall feathering at the top. Take a peek: Then file this link away for inspiration next time youre heading to the shore.