Mountainfilm Unveils 2020 Lineup of Films & Speakers
Virtual festival promises to be more accessible than ever, showcases powerful programming
As for most organizations and most people the pandemic has put Mountainfilm in uncharted waters. But as youd expect from a film festival with a penchant for adventure, Mountainfilm rose to the challenge, pivoting to a virtual festival in a matter of weeks. The result is an extended, 10-day festival with over 100 on-demand films and presentations that viewers can watch at their leisure from the comfort of home.
The virtual format has allowed Mountainfilm to be more accessible than ever. People can tune in from all over the world, passes are $75 and most content can be watched anytime during the 10-day festival window. The 2020 lineup remains true to Mountainfilms high standards and propensity for mixing stoke-inducing adventure films with mind-blowing (and world-changing) documentaries.
Were psyched for the chance to bring great programming to people whove been curious about Mountainfilm for all these years, but have never been able to come, said Mountainfilm Festival Director Suzan Beraza. This year were proud to offer our usual wide variety of films from Personhood, a film about fetal rights to Public Trust, a film by a former Telluride local that turns the lens on the loss of public lands.
After many weeks at home, most people are in need of a little hope and inspiration. Beraza and her team made a point to give viewers as much content as possible including a few additional lighthearted films.
The lineup of feature films includes more than 25 titles that range from By Hand, a documentary that follows the journey of two brothers paddling from Alaska to Mexico, to Big Fur, a film about a devotee of Bigfoot. Most features can be watched anytime during the 10-day festival, but a select few have limited runs meaning theyll only be available to watch at specific times. The festival has more short film programs than ever before with titles like Concepción, recounting climber Hazel Findlay's attempt of a 70-meter splitter crack route outside Moab, and Huntsville Station, which depicts the realities of inmates just released from prison.
Complementing the roundup of films is a symposium and a handful of live and pre-recorded presentations featuring directors and thought visionaries. Well hear from Mountainfilm 2020 Guest Director Louie Psihoyos and Sea Shepherd captain Paul Watson on the vulnerability of our oceans, while youth activists Jamie Margolin and Jonah Gottlieb will speak to the role of young people in climate activism. In light of the upcoming presidential election, former White House Chief of Staff Jack Watson analyzes the qualities that make a good president particularly during a pandemic.
Were really excited about this years symposium and presentations, plus were going to have a series of meet the author events, Q&As and filmmaker workshops that will showcase what Mountainfilm does best bringing connection and conversation to our greater community, said Beraza.
The 2020 virtual festival dates are May 1525 and passes are available here.