Mountainfilm 2013 Intros
The lights go dark, the audience quiets down and each show begins at Mountainfilm with a trailer comprised of footage from the many films at that year’s festival. This quick hit of adrenaline, enchantment and humor provides a high-octane start to every program at the festival.
This year, we screened seven intros, and even if you attended the festival, it’s possible that you didn’t catch them all. So by popular demand, we’ve loaded the seven introductions from Mountainfilm 2013 to our website, and you can now watch them all in the comfort of your own home.
Please watch, share and enjoy.
Special thanks goes to those who made this year’s introductions:
Keith Hill
Casey Nay
David Byars
Justin Clifton
Scott Upshur
Stash Wislocki
Raven Hopgood