Help Free the Slaves Ensure That the U.S. Fights Slavery
Free the Slaves is calling upon its supporters to support the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (S.1301).
From Free the Slaves:
This critical legislation is pending in the Senate right now. Your voice could make the difference in ensuring the U.S. continues to fight trafficking and slavery.
The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act ensures the U.S. will remain a world leader in combating slavery.
It directs authorities to raid brothels and sweatshops, freeing slaves and prosecuting slaveholders. It enables rescue shelters and rehabilitation programs to operate, inside the U.S. and overseas. The Act helps Free the Slaves conduct programs that you support in India and Haiti.
This landmark anti-slavery initiative was created by Congress years ago, but the Act expires soon and must be renewed. Any delay could jeopardize the remarkable progress the U.S. has made.
Taking action is easy. Call your senator's office and say the following to their receptionists, aides or voicemails:
My name is ___ and I live in (your state). Im calling to ask the senator to co-sponsor S.1301, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act. I also would like the senator to support strengthening the Act, by requiring major companies to disclose on their websites and in annual reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission what theyre doing to end trafficking and slavery.