Give a Little: Help Kids a Lot
People most often describe their experiences at Mountainfilm in Telluride, or from the tour shows that travel the world, as inspiring and, even, life-changing. We love that kind of feedback. But think about this: If Mountainfilm dramatically changed your life in some way, how could it affect kids?
We know the answer. Mountainfilms Making Movies That Matter has already reached over 700 students in classrooms. Our initiative offers teachers and students the chance to view a content-rich documentary and then learn how to use footage from that film to craft their own short video reactions to the themes and issues raised in it a process that builds skills in critical thinking, visual literacy, creativity and technology. The response from both teachers and youth has been uniformly positive. We often hear many of the same words you use to describe our festival.
We invite you to reflect upon how Mountainfilm has made an impact upon you and how effective our message can be in the classroom: Were taking part in Telluride Gives, 12.12.12., an online donation opportunity that will run from only December 12 until December 14.
This is your chance to give us feedback of a different sort. Do you think Mountainfilm is worth sharing with our youth? With a $10 minimum and no maximum donation, the opportunity is open to everyone. And, at a cost of $200 per classroom, you can make both a measurable and meaningful impact with even a modest contribution. Please visit www.telluridegives.org between 8 a.m. on December 12 and 8 p.m. on December 14 and click on the box labeled "Education" (and then select "Mountainfilm" on the next page). We appreciate your help reaching the minds who can and will! influence the future.