A Request for the Music Aficionados: Please Share a Song
Those whove attended Mountainfilm know that we like to start most programs with a short trailer, a compilation of footage thats accompanied by music. They look something like this:
Mountainfilm 2011 Intro - Wake-Up from Mountainfilm in Telluride on Vimeo.
or this:
Mountain Film 2011 - Intro from Aaron Kehoe on Vimeo.
In the office, we simply call these intros. Clips are pulled from footage featured at the festival, but the music is hard to select. From Arcade Fire, Mumford and Sons and the Talking Heads
Mountainfilm 2011 Intro - Slippery-People from Mountainfilm in Telluride on Vimeo.
the tunes vary. Friedrich Nietzsche supposedly said, Without music, life would be a mistake. If you feel the same way, please suggest a song that you think would be perfect to accompany a Mountainfilm in Telluride intro.