- 2019
- UK
- Duration:
- 99 mins
The ocean manufactures oxygen, regulates Earth’s climate and houses numerous species (many that are yet to be discovered), but it has also become a war zone — at least in the eyes of Captain Paul Watson. “If the ocean dies, we all die. We don’t live on this planet with a dead ocean,” says Watson, who has repeatedly risked his life and freedom to save the ocean and its inhabitants. Watson provides a glimpse into the mind of this notorious conservationist, who knows how to work the media and isn’t afraid to ram a whaling ship or chase down an illegal fishing boat. From his early years as a co-founder of Greenpeace to the starting and expansion of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Watson follows the sometimes controversial, but effective efforts of Watson to defend and protect marine life and habitats at all costs.
Colorado Premiere
Production Team
- Director
- Lesley Chilcott
Film Contact
Festival Screenings
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