This is Where I Find Myself
- 2024
- Duration:
- 32 mins
Dr. Roland Griffiths made a career of studying how the altered states of consciousness induced by psychedelics could advance psychiatry and neuroscience, and be an effective treatment for emotional pain. Cancer patients often reported similar experiences that were simple yet profound: a feeling of interconnectedness with others and nature, release from fear and anger and an awakening to the preciousness and mystery of life. Now confronted with his own cancer diagnosis, Griffiths uses what he has learned as a researcher to cultivate a sense of gratitude and set up a legacy of study into the wonder of being.
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The Roland R. Griffths, PH.D. Professorship Fund
An endowment to support a professorship and to establish a world-class, rigorous, empirical program of research with psychedelic substances to advance understanding of well-being and spirituality in the service of human flourishing for generations to come. The hallmark of this research shall be the scientific method.