The Last Ice
- 2019
- Duration:
- 83 mins
The Arctic, a vast expanse of tremendous biodiversity, steeped in the rich traditions of the Inuit people, is one of the most vulnerable places on earth. Decades of colonization by outsiders seeking to profit from the Arctic’s abundant natural resources have taken a heavy toll on the Inuit culture, while climate change presents a deadly threat to the delicate equilibrium of land, sea and ice. As the fate of the Arctic hangs in the balance, The Last Ice elucidates the Inuit’s struggle to preserve their fragile homeland and the unique way of life they have sustained for thousands of years.
Production Team
- Director
- Scott Ressler
- Producers
- Scott Ressler
- Neil Gelinas
- Cinematographers
- Scott Ressler
- Neil Gelinas
- Stefan Wiesen
- Neil Gelinas
- Editors
- Scott Ressler
- Brian Newell
Film Contact
Festival Screenings
Stream Film Online
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