The Ants & The Grasshopper
- 2021
- USA, UK, Malawi
- Duration:
- 74 mins
Anita Chitaya is transforming her village in Malawi with new farming and cooking methods even as drought looms. Chitaya and her mentor, Esther Lupafya, decide to embark on a journey through the U.S. in an effort to convince Americans that climate change is real. Along the way, they visit Midwest farms and urban food cooperatives, witnessing national divisions in their quest to save their home from drought.
World Premiere
Production Team
- Director
- Zak Piper Raj Patel
- Producers
- Rachel Wexler
- Peter Mazunda
- Raj Patel
- Zak Piper
- Cynthia Kane
- Peter Mazunda
Film Contact
Festival Screenings
Stream Film Online
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