No Cameras Allowed
- 2014
- Duration:
- 84 mins
Where there’s a will, and a couple cameras, there’s a way. As a broke film student in California, Marcus Haney snuck into Coachella, where he proceeded to have the time of his life, capturing amazing footage of such bands as Mumford & Sons and experiencing a revelation about the power of music festivals. That was the start of a run of covert festival missions that, thanks to his skills behind a camera and in creating fraudulent passes, opened up a whole world of photography assignments and filmmaking for Haney. What unfolded were music-filled train rides across the West with his favorite bands, hitch-hiking escapades in the U.K., bull-running gone wrong and, finally, the important realization that the best things in life should be shared with the ones you love.
Production Team
- Director
- Marcus Haney