Meltdown in Dixie
- 2021
- Duration:
- 40 mins
It was Tommy Daras misfortune to purchase a building for his ice cream store in Orangeburg, South Carolina from a proud racist who had deeded a corner of the property to the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) for a monument. Daras had never thought deeply about the confederate flag, but after the 2015 Charleston church shooting in which nine African Americans were killed by a white supremacist who had proudly posed with the flag, Daras was deeply offended when the SCV responded by flying a much bigger confederate flag in front of his business. A native of Orangeburg, director Emily Harrold listens closely to both sides of the ensuing controversy, finding no middle ground between those who proudly view the confederacy as their honorable heritage and those who see the memorials only as symbols of historic and ongoing oppression.
Colorado Premiere
Production Team
- Director
- Emily Harrold
- Producers
- Emily Harrold
- Seth Gadsden