Aguilucho: Dance of the Harpy Eagle
- 2021
- Duration:
- 21 mins
In a remote rainforest in southern Panama — Darién Gap — the harpy eagle isn’t just an animal, but a token of fortitude and an environmental beacon of hope in a land that is threatened by loggers and cattle ranchers. Deforestation is imminent in many of these sacred places, but the people of Darién Gap have created a conservation and education project to protect the harpy eagle and along with it, their home. The women of Darién Gap dance daily to the aguilucho (the young eagle), representing the bird in themselves. And as the eagle’s presence draws tourism, the natives are able to continue their work saving this threatened species and the boundaries of their homeland.
Colorado Premiere
Production Team
- Director
- Daniel Byers
- Producers
- Katrin Redfern
- Andrew Stern
- Munir Virani
- Andrew Stern