Chasing Ice
- 2012
- Duration:
- 90 mins
In 2005, photographer James Balog set out on an audacious quest: to document the disappearance of glaciers by setting up time-lapse cameras around the world. With temperatures on the rise, his plan worked well as the cameras of his Extreme Ice Survery captured some of the biggest calving incidents ever. But award-winning Chasing Ice isn’t just about the glaciers, it also shows an artist at work. Balog, who has been coming to Mountainfilm for more than a decade, wrestles with a bad knee, faulty equipment and the existential question of how the collapse of glaciers is a harbinger of our own uncertain future.
Production Team
- Director
- Jeff Orlowski-Yang
Festival Screenings
Stream Film Online
This film is available online using the following streaming platforms: